Caulfield Associates - Designer & Manufacturer of Floating Docks & Marinas

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Search results - "plastic"

MarinaProject involved replacement of rotting wood decking with plastic wood decking.
Greenlane Reservoir Fishing Dock, Greenlane, PAAll plastic lumber dock in Greenlane Reservoir. Caulfield Assoc. replaced all the CCA pressure treated lumber docks at the request of Philadelphia Suburban Water Co.
Wilsonville Dock FrameAn example of dock framing we designed and built for the Wilsonville Dock Project. All 100% structural plastic lumber dock frame under construction.
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Smithville Lake, Burlington County Parks and Recreation Dept. Mt. Holly, NJSmithville Lake nature trail system . A combination of fixed boardwalk on helical piles and floating docks with railings. The advantage of our modular boardwalk system is very evident on a public prevailing wage project when we deliver the 20' modules completely assembled, ready to install. All 100 % recycled plastic lumber.
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Smithville Lake, Burlington County Parks and Recreation Dept. Mt. Holly, NJ100 % recycled plastic lumber nature trail system across Smithville Lake. A combination of fixed boardwalk on helical piles and floating docks with railings. The advantage of our modular boardwalk system is very evident on a public prevailing wage project when we deliver the 20' modules completely assembled, ready to install.
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Smithville Lake, Burlington County Parks and Recreation Dept. Mt. Holly, NJA combination of fixed boardwalk on helical piles and floating docks with railings. The advantage of our modular boardwalk system is very evident on a public prevailing wage project when we deliver the 20' modules completely assembled, ready to install. Constructed with 100 % recycled plastic lumber.
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Smithville Historical Park100% Plastic lumber fixed and floating nature trail across Smithville Lake.
LONGBRIDGE PARK NATURE TRAIL. MT. HOLLY, NJ.Plastic lumber frames, decks, posts, and railings on helical piles.
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